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Terms of use company network

Terms of use company network
To help Administrators and to set clear guidelines of what is and what isn’t acceptable behavior by members, you need to create Terms of Use for your network.

The Terms of Use you create for your network should not amend or supersede Ning’s Terms of Service. This is something you agree to when you register with, use, or browse the Ning platform.

The Terms of Use reflect the values that you set for your network. Try to address the following areas in your Terms of Use:

Ownership of copyright and content ownership: Clarify for your members how copyright violations will be handled. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the basics of copyright and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and offer a clear way for people to report alleged infringement in compliance with the DMCA.

Handling advertising and promotion: Establish what constitutes acceptable ways for members to talk about external Web sites. Be certain that you draw a clear line between what's acceptable promotion and what's spam.

Offensive content: If you run an adult social network, your terms may differ from the ones of a family-oriented network. Regardless of the niche for your network, make sure to define what constitutes offensive material.

Harassment of other members: It's never acceptable to insult or harass other members, so be sure to include terms to explain what will happen in these cases.

Trolls and inflammatory topics: People who post topics with the intention of stirring up controversy and getting other members to react emotionally are known as trolls, and you should establish a policy for dealing with them.

Privacy Policy: Detail elements such as the information that your network collects from your members. The Privacy Policy should also cover how the network uses member data. Like with the Terms of Use, your network’s Privacy Policy cannot amend or supersede Ning’s Privacy Policy.

Termination: Explain clearly what actions by a member can lead to a warning, as opposed to what can get a member banned.

Posted by simultaneous at 17:09│Comments(0)Business Broadband